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Clean air volume test method for particulate matter in purifier environmental test chamber

Date: Feb 27,2024 Views: 159
Clean air volume test method for particulate matter in purifier environmental test chamber
--Dongguan Huanyi Instrument Technology Co., Ltd. Excerpted from GB18801

Product name: 81 cubic test chamber/30 cubic test chamber/8 cubic test chamber/3 cubic test chamber
Manufacturer: Dongguan Huanyi Instrument Technology Co., Ltd.

1. Scope
This appendix specifies the test method for clean air volume using cigarette smoke as particulate matter pollutant.
This appendix is applicable to the 81 m3 test chamber under the specified test chamber volume, initial concentration, detection instrument accuracy, test time and other conditions.
Test method for the clean air volume of particulate matter in the nominal range of not less than 800 m3/h and not greater than 2000 m3/h; the 30 m3 test chamber is designed for the clean air volume of particulate matter in the nominal range of not less than 30 m3/h and not greater than 800 m3/h. The test method is a test method for the clean air volume of particulate matter pollutants in a 3 m3 test chamber with a nominal range of not less than 10 m3/h and less than 30 m3/h.

2. Natural attenuation test of particulate matter

2.1 The natural attenuation test of particulate matter should be carried out according to the following steps:
2.2 Place the purifier to be inspected in the test cabin. Adjust the purifier to the rated state for the test, verify normal operation, and then turn off the purifier;
2.3 Arrange the location of the sampling points to avoid air inlets and outlets. The distance from the wall should be greater than 0.5 m, and the height relative to the floor of the laboratory should be 0.5 m to 1.5 m. Each sampling point is equipped with a sampling head and connected to the sampler outside the test chamber;
2.4 Turn on the high-efficiency air filter to purify the air in the test room so that the background concentration of particles with a particle size above 0.3 μm is less than 1,000 particles/L. At the same time, start the temperature and humidity control device to make the indoor temperature and relative humidity reach the specified state;
2.5 After the background concentration of particulate matter is reduced to a suitable level, record the background concentration of particulate matter, turn off the high-efficiency air filter and humidity control device, and start the stirring fan and circulation fan. Put a standard cigarette into the cigarette burner. The smoke outlet of the cigarette is connected to a pipe passing through the test bulkhead. The exhaust smoke can be drawn into the air vortex formed by the stirring fan. After reaching a certain amount, close the valve of the smoke delivery pipe and stir with the stirring fan for another 10 minutes to make the particulate pollutants evenly mixed and then turn off the stirring fan;
2.6 During the test, the circulation fan remains on;
2.7 After the stirring fan stops rotating, use a laser dust particle counter to measure the initial concentration C0 of the particles, which is 0.3 μm at the beginning of the test.
The particle concentration of the above particulate matter should be 2×10 6 /L ~ 2×10 7 /L, and the calculation corresponds to t=0min;
2.8 After the initial concentration in the test chamber (the first sampling point of natural attenuation) is measured, measure and record the concentration of particulate matter every 2 minutes. The second sampling starts at t=0min and continues to measure for 20 minutes;

2.8 Record the temperature and relative humidity in the test cabin during the test.

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