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Climate Test chamber

Climate Test chamber are widely used in testing various types of materials for their tolerances of heat, cold, dry and humidity. It is applicable for quality inspection for all types of electronic products, electric appliance, and products from communication ,instruction , automobile, plastic, metal, food, chemical, building materials, medical and aerospace industries. Unique shape with high performance material, whether you’re testing aerospace products, electronic instrumentation, materials, electrical and electronic products and various electronic components, our High low alternating temperature. humidity test chamber can give you a perfect solution. It ables to simulate a wide range of temperature and humidity environments, that temperatures range from -70℃to +150℃,and humidity range is from 20% to 98% RH. HUANYI can also offer you best solutions based on your own requirements.

Contact us

Telphone: +86 0769-83482055 / +8615338361334

Fax: +86 0769-83482056


Add: Building 2, No. 3, Longkeng Xingye Road, Dongkeng Town, Dongguan,China

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