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Composition of high and low temperature test chamber

Date: Apr 02,2021 Views: 390

1. The box of high and low temperature test chamber is processed by numerical control machine tool, with beautiful appearance and no reaction handle, which is easy to operate.

2. The inner tank of the box is made of imported superior stainless steel (SUS304) mirror panel, and the outer tank is made of A3 steel plate sprayed with plastic, which increases the appearance texture and cleanliness.

3. The make-up water tank is located at the lower right part of the control box, and has automatic water shortage protection, which is more convenient for the operator to supplement the water source.

4. The large observation window is equipped with lighting to keep the box bright, and the embedded tempered glass in the heating body is used to observe the condition of the box clearly at any time.

5. The pipeline of humidification switch is separated from the control circuit board, which can avoid the failure due to the leakage of humidification pipeline and improve the safety.

6. The pipeline circuit switcher of waterway switcher is opened by door, which is convenient for maintenance and repair.

7. Double high and low temperature test chamber resistant high tension sealing strips are used between the door and the box to ensure the tightness of the commissioning area.

8. The left side of the box is equipped with a debugging hole with a diameter of 25 mm or 50 mm or 100 mm, which can be used for external debugging power line or signal line. (the hole diameter or the number of holes should be increased, which should be explained when ordering)

9. The machine bottom uses the high quality may fix Pu movable wheel high and low temperature test chamber .

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