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Constant temperature and humidity test chamber: the purpose of the rain test chamber

Date: Feb 10,2022 Views: 289

The purpose of the rain test chamber: The rain test chamber is divided into drip test device, box-type rain test chamber (swing pipe rain test device) flushing test device and immersion test device according to different IP levels. The purpose of the rain test chamber is to determine the following environmental effects associated with rain, water spray and dripping: a) the effectiveness of the protective covers, housings and gaskets of the equipment to prevent the penetration of water into the equipment; b) the ability of the equipment to meet its performance requirements when exposed to water and after exposure; c) any physical damage to the equipment due to exposure to rain; d) the effectiveness of any water removal device; e) check the effectiveness of the equipment packaging. The rain test chamber is mainly used to test the performance test of the product during storage, transportation and use in the climate environment where it is exposed to rain.


Key words: high and low temperature test chamber, constant temperature and humidity test chamber, Dongguan high and low temperature test chamber, Dongguan constant temperature and humidity test chamber

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