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Design and construction of fast temperature change test chamber

Date: Apr 02,2021 Views: 363

fast temperature change test chamber is suitable for aerospace products, information electronic instruments, materials, electrical, electronic products and various electronic components to test the performance indexes of products under the condition of rapid temperature change.

When the fast temperature change test chamber is cycled in the upper and lower limit extreme temperature by using the temperature acceleration technique under the design strength limit, the product will produce alternating expansion and contraction changes The external environmental stress causes the thermal stress and strain in the product. Through accelerating the stress, the latent defects in the product emerge [potential material defects, process defects, process defects, so as to avoid the failure of the product in the use process when it is tested by the environmental stress, thus causing unnecessary losses. It has a significant effect on improving the product delivery yield and reducing the repair times In addition, the stress screen itself is a process stage, rather than a reliability test, so the stress screen is a 100% process for the product.

High quality appearance, the body adopts arc shape, the surface is processed by fog surface stripe, and is processed by numerical control machine tool, fast temperature change test chamber and the plane non reaction handle is adopted. It is easy to operate, safe and reliable, beautiful and novel in appearance. It is equipped with independent temperature limit alarm system, which will automatically interrupt if the temperature exceeds the limit, so as to ensure the safe operation of the experiment without accidents.


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