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"Explosive Decompression" Test Chamber for Simulating Plateau Environment

Date: Dec 10,2022 Views: 181

Editors | Huan Yi Instruments


Explosive decompression is a flight term. Explosive decompression generally refers to the use of emergency landings to mitigate tragedy. Explosive decompression is a more rapid form of decompression than the 'rapid decompression' test. So, how do you use a simulated plateau environment test chamber to do the "explosive decompression" test? Let's take a look at the test procedure.


Explosive decompression test steps.


Test Equipment: Huan Yi Instruments Simulation of plateau environment test chamber


Equipment model: HYLA-1000


Test standard: GJB150.2A-2009


Test procedure.


1. so that the test piece in storage or transport technology state, according to the technical documents specified in the rate of change of height to adjust the air pressure in the test chamber, so that it reaches the pressure corresponding to the height of 2438m (75.2kPa);


2. within a further period of not more than 0.1 s, reduce the air pressure in the test chamber to a pressure corresponding to the required test altitude of 12192 m (18.8 kPa) or to a pressure corresponding to the other maximum flight altitude specified in the technical documentation and then maintain it steadily at that low pressure for at least 10 min;


3. Adjust the air pressure in the test chamber to the standard atmospheric pressure at the rate of change in altitude specified in the technical documentation;


4. visually inspect the test piece, test the working performance, and record the test results.


Note: Safety issues need to be noted.


The test piece is only considered to have failed when the explosion decompression poses a hazard to the platform or personnel, and unless otherwise specified, satisfactory performance of the test piece after the test is not required.


The simulated plateau environment test chamber used in the above test requires a high quality product to meet the test conditions, for the requirements of the test chamber, if you have questions, you can write to me privately, or visit the official website of "Huan Yi Instruments" to consult the relevant technical staff.

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