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Factors affecting the price of constant temperature and humidity test chamber

Date: Jul 23,2021 Views: 336

1. Temperature scale: Normally, the temperature of the constant temperature and humidity chamber is between -70-180. If some users need high temperature to reach higher or lower temperature, the price of constant temperature and humidity test chamber will be higher. The higher the technical requirements, the more difficult the operation technology. Under normal circumstances, the temperature of the conventional temperature scale will vary from 30,000 to 60,000 depending on the user's technical level.


2. Size: It is divided into conventional concentrate (190L) and stepping (1500L), and of course (27L). Generally, the larger the size, the higher the price. For important parameters such as sheet metal processing and temperature control, the larger the chamber, the higher the difficulty factor and the higher the cost. Prices for high-volume equipment vary widely. Usually the price is between 30,000 and 60,000, and the price of a large incubator is between 200,000 and 700,000, or even millions. Therefore, the user needs to determine the size of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber according to the size of the experimental sample.

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