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Formaldehyde emission environmental test chamber Requirements for formaldehyde emission environmental test Chamber:

Date: Sep 25,2020 Views: 398

Formaldehyde emission environmental test chamber Requirements for formaldehyde emission environmental test Chamber:

1) The test shall comply with the following provisions:

1.1 Before the test, the samples should be placed at least 1d under the conditions of (23s1 "C and relative humidity (50s1 5)%, the distance between the samples should not be less than 25mm, and the air should be at all

2) The test shall comply with the following provisions:

2.1 samples before testing should be in (23) 1 ° C, (50 and 5) % relative humidity is placed under the condition of not less than 1 d, the distance between the sample should not be less than 25 mm, and should be made on the surface of the air in all samples on free circulation, constant temperature and humidity of indoor air ventilation rate should not be less than 1 times/h, the concentration of formaldehyde in indoor air should not be greater than 0.05 mg/m3, VOC concentration should not be greater than 0.3 mg/m3;

2.2 Artificial boards and their products, bonded wooden structural materials, wall cloth and curtain samples shall be placed vertically in the center of the environmental testing chamber. The distance between the samples shall not be less than 200mm, and the surface shall be parallel to the direction of airflow;

2.3 Carpet and carpet liner samples shall be laid on the environmental test bilge face up, so as to make the air flow pass evenly from the sample surface;

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