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High and low temperature impact test chamber installation information

Date: Mar 04,2023 Views: 216

1, power supply: high and low temperature impact test chamber power supply with three-phase five lines, four core cable equipment, three-phase line, a line of zero. Due to some single-phase load equipment and control system, the wrong zero-damage equipment does not work, resulting in the equipment grounding ice wire line, to ensure that a good grounding device can make the equipment reliable, to extend the cable due to user space and other factors, please ensure that the extension cable and the rated parameters of the power supply can meet the power demand products.


2, site: high and low temperature test chamber will generate a lot of heat in the process of use, please install the equipment in a well-ventilated place.


3, electric shock: although the equipment has a sound anti-shock measures, but still need to pay attention to, especially the electrical control system, working condition, do not touch the electrical part.


Do not connect the power supply of the device to the power supply of the device, otherwise it will increase the power load of the device. Unless the device has a power supply interface for the power supply of the device, do not test inflammable, explosive, highly corrosive, and strong radiation materials. Do not carry or overhaul the device when it is energized or in operation.

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