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High and low temperature low pressure test chamber technical indicators

Date: Nov 09,2022 Views: 292

1. High and low temperature low pressure test chamber Studio size: GDD-500L (800×850×850)

2. Temperature range: -40150

3. Temperature deviation: ±2

4. Temperature fluctuation: ±0.5

5. Temperature uniformity: 2

6. Air pressure level: 484kpa

7. Temperature rise rate 1.03.0/min

8. Cooling rate 0.71.0/min

9. Control system controller Siemens pLC controller, Siemens color LCD display touch screen

10. Precision range setting accuracy: temperature ± 0.1, indication accuracy: temperature ± 0.1, resolution: ± 0.1

11. Temperature sensor platinum resistance pT100Ω / MV

12. Pressure sensor electronic pressure transmitter

13. Heating system fully independent system, nickel-chromium alloy electric heating type heater

14. Refrigeration system France original "Taikang" fully enclosed air-cooled single-stage / compound compressor refrigeration method

15. Circulation system temperature resistant and low noise air-conditioning type motor. Multi-lobe centrifugal wind wheel

Vacuum system

1. Vacuum system composition: vacuum system is the component of obtaining vacuum degree and measuring and controlling vacuum degree, which is composed of vacuum measuring system and vacuum obtaining unit

2. High and low temperature low pressure test chamber Vacuum measurement: vacuum measurement adopts pressure sensor to measure the vacuum degree The vacuum gauge adopts pressure strain to achieve vacuum measurement, and the measurement data is linear electric signal, which can be directly input into the equipment controller for display and control

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