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High and low temperature test chamber for temperature requirements

Date: Jan 21,2022 Views: 301

What are the temperature requirements of the high and low temperature test chamber? The high and low temperature test chamber has the law of temperature change in the simulated atmospheric environment. It is mainly used for transportation of electrical and electronic products, as well as their components and other materials in high temperature and low temperature integrated environments, and adaptability testing during use. For product design, improvement, qualification and inspection.


Temperature fluctuation of high and low temperature test chamber

This metric is also known as temperature stability. After controlling the temperature, it is given at any time interval.

The difference between the maximum and minimum temperature at any point in the work area. There's a little difference here. A "workspace" is not a "studio". It is a space in the studio where 1/10 of the length of each side of the chamber wall can be removed. This indicator evaluates the control technology of the product.


Temperature range

Refers to the extreme temperatures that a product studio can withstand and/or reach. It usually contains the concept of a constant that can be controlled, and should be an extreme value that can operate stably over a relatively long period of time. Typical temperature ranges include extreme high temperatures and extreme low temperatures.

The general standard requires an index of ≤1°C or ±0.5°C.


Temperature uniformity

The old standard is called uniformity and the new standard is called gradient. The maximum value of the difference between the mean values of any two points in the work area at any time interval after the temperature has stabilized. This metric can assess more of a product's core technology than the temperature deviation metric below. Therefore, many companies' samples and programs deliberately hide this item.

General standard requirements index≤2°C


Temperature deviation

The difference between the average temperature of the center of the working space and the average temperature of other points at any time interval in the working space after the temperature has stabilized. Although the definitions and names of the indicators in the new and old standards are the same, the tests have changed and the new standard is more practical and more demanding, but with a short evaluation time.

The general standard requirement index of high and low temperature test chamber is ±2°C. According to the actual use temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) ±2%, pure high temperature test chamber above 200°C can be required.

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