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High and low temperature test steps of electric balance car

Date: Jan 06,2022 Views: 288

As a transportation tool, the electric balance car needs to be safe when used. In the high and low temperature test of the balance car, it can be tested whether it can meet the quality requirements in the high and low temperature environment in order to improve the quality. Let's take a look at the high and low temperature test process steps of the electric balance car.


Test equipment: constant temperature and humidity test chamber


1. Low temperature storage:

Put the sample in a constant temperature and humidity test chamber, and cool it down to (-20±2)at a rate of 1/min, and then keep it for 72 hours. Then, after heating to room temperature at the same rate, take out the sample to recover at room temperature for at least 1 h. After recovery, check whether the tested sample can work normally.


2. Low temperature operation

Follow the steps below to carry out the low-temperature operation test:

a) Reduce the temperature in the test chamber from room temperature to (-10±2)°C or the minimum operating temperature of the balance car specified by the manufacturer at a rate of 1°C/min (the lower temperature is used for the two);

b) The tested balance car continues to run until its low battery safety warning, and then the temperature of the test chamber is raised to room temperature at a temperature rise rate of 1°C/min;

c) Fully charge the tested balance car according to the charging conditions specified by the manufacturer;

d) Repeat steps a) and b);

e) Take out the sample and recover it at room temperature. The recovery time should be enough to stabilize the temperature, at least 1 h. After recovery, check whether the tested sample can work normally.


During the test, the vehicle should not be suddenly powered off and the wheels stopped before the low battery safety warning.


3. High temperature storage

Put the sample in a constant temperature and humidity test chamber, heat it up to (60±2)at a rate of 1/min, and then keep it for 72 h. Then, after cooling down to room temperature at the same rate, take out the sample to recover at room temperature for at least 1 h. After recovery, check whether the tested sample can work normally.


4. High temperature and high humidity operation

Carry out the high temperature running test according to the following steps:

a) Set the relative humidity of the test chamber to (93±3)%, and increase the temperature from room temperature to (40±2)or the maximum operating temperature of the balance car specified by the manufacturer at a temperature rise rate of 1/min (both Take the higher temperature value);

b) The tested balance car continues to run until its low battery safety warning, and then the temperature of the test chamber is reduced to room temperature at a temperature change rate of 1°C/min;

c) Fully charge the tested balance car according to the charging conditions specified by the manufacturer;

d) Repeat steps a) and b);

e) Take out the sample and restore it at room temperature (25±5). The recovery time should be enough to stabilize the temperature, at least 1h. After recovery, check whether the tested sample can work normally.


During the test, the vehicle should not be suddenly powered off and the wheels stopped before the low battery safety warning.

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