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High temperature and low temperature height test chamber test requirements

Date: Dec 16,2022 Views: 274

Under normal circumstances, low and high temperature tests may affect the tightness of the product, but under low pressure (height), the impact is more obvious, so we need to use high and low temperature height test chamber to do specific tests on these products, to verify the reliability of the product. What are the requirements in the process of using high temperature and low temperature height test chamber?


High temperature and low temperature height test chamber test requirements:


1. Test equipment: high temperature and low temperature height test chamber


2. Equipment model: Ring instrument HYLA-1000


High and low temperature height test chamber


3. Differences in requirements:


a. Storage air transport: Equipment suitable for transport or storage at high altitudes or in a state of transport/storage technology. Determine whether procedure a is appropriate based on the low pressure effect and lifetime environmental profile.


b. Work/external flight: suitable for determining the performance of equipment under low pressure conditions. Procedure a may precede Procedure b. Procedure b may be performed separately if there is no requirement for low pressure storage, rapid decompression or explosive decompression.


c. Rapid decompression: It is applicable to determine whether the rapid reduction of ambient pressure around the equipment will cause the equipment to react, injure the surrounding personnel or damage the platform (vehicle or aircraft) on which the equipment is transported. Procedure c may be performed after storage or working tests.


d. Explosive decompression: the decompression rate is the same as program c except that it is faster than program c.


It can be seen that the test requirements of different products for high temperature and low temperature height test chamber are different. When we do the test, we should choose the test requirements suitable for our own products, and then select the pressure conditions required in the test process according to the requirements.


For the use of high temperature and low temperature height test chamber requirements, if you have questions, you can consult the "ring instrument" relevant technical personnel.

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