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How to install a power supply for a constant temperature and humidity test chamber

Date: Sep 15,2021 Views: 430

Constant temperature and humidity test chamber is also called constant temperature and humidity test machine, constant temperature and humidity test chamber. A device used to test the performance of materials in various environments. It has a wide range of applications. How to install the power supply of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber?


1. Before configuring the power supply, please check whether the machine is damaged during transportation, whether the power line is damaged, whether the body is deformed, whether the inner loop is intact, and whether the inner chamber is kept clean.


2. If the machine has a three-phase motor, please check whether its steering is correct when you touch the power source. If it is a single-phase motor, it has been adjusted before leaving the factory. When replacing, make sure that its steering is correct. Avoid affecting the performance of the machine.


3. The fluctuation range of the power supply voltage of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber shall not exceed the allowable range. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the ground wire is well connected, otherwise it will affect the normal operation of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber.


4. Non-professionals are not allowed to repair and inspect the machine, and must be disassembled and inspected when the power is off to avoid electric shock or fire.

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