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How to realize the rapid temperature conversion of the shock chamber in the cold and heat shock test

Date: Jul 05,2022 Views: 262

How to maintain the high temperature and rapid change of low temperature in the thermal shock test shock chamber is very unbelievable to the layman, but the ring instrument is a professional manufacturer of production technology research and development, so today I will share with you how the thermal shock test shock chamber realizes the rapid temperature change.


1. The thermal shock test chamber is divided into three compartments and two compartments. First, let the thermal shock test box maintain high and low temperature changes rapidly. There must be two regional temperature system software, one is the high temperature heating system software, The second is a cryogenic refrigeration unit, two system software. There must be an indispensable standard for operating the high and low temperature conversion, that is, the cylinder or the mobile electric gondola. The mobile electric gondola is operated by the cylinder.


2. The thermal shock test chamber realizes temperature conversion, which is to open the cylinder in the high temperature or low temperature area, and transport the high temperature or low temperature to the test chamber through the conveying channel, while the two-box thermal shock test chamber uses a mobile hanging basket. , The test is raised and lowered to high temperature or low temperature difference.

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