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How to use the temperature and humidity chamber

Date: Mar 02,2021 Views: 410

Method of operation temperature and humidity chamber

3.1 Check temperature and humidity chamber the water level of the water tank, wash the water bottle, fill the water bottle with water, and put the rubber tube on the faucet. In order to prevent the humidifier from being blocked by scale and precipitation, use distilled water as the water source.

3.2 Set the temperature and humidity chamber temperature or temperature and humidity selection dial to the required position, and turn on the power switch of the meter.

3.3 Unscrew the temperature adjustment cap on the head of the dry bulb conductive meter to set the temperature above the temperature value required for the test. The conductivity meter is a control instrument, and the scale is for reference only. The accurate temperature should be based on a dry bulb thermometer.

3.4 Start heating, turn the power selector switch to the "2" position, wait until the temperature in the box rises to the required temperature, and then turn the selector switch to the "1" position, which will help reduce the temperature fluctuation.

3.5 Adjust the temperature of the water tank to control the amount of humidification. Generally, the temperature of the water tank is set at 1-2°C lower than the temperature of the working room. After the temperature of the working room and the humidity of the water tank reach the required value, the temperature and humidity can be adjusted.

3.6 After working normally, load the test piece for maintenance.

3.7 After use, disconnect the power supply, take off the rear hose of the box, and remove water for maintenance.

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