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HUANYI after-sales service procedures:

Date: Jun 24,2021 Views: 372

1. Use questionnaires and key groups to investigate customer service requirements and expectations in the company's overall target market

2. Formulate the company's strategic planning and overall brand strategy. The service strategy is part of the brand strategy and must obey the overall brand strategy

3. Investigate the service strategy and service system of competitors

4. Formulate the company's overall service image goals and strategies

5. Investigate existing and available resources within the company

6. Develop a plan for the transition from the stage to the designated overall service target image

7. Divide the regions into three levels: A, B, and C according to competition and company resources. According to the overall image and strategy survey, formulate the service image and strategy of the market segment

Finally, the goal is to improve after-sales service, ensure 100% customer satisfaction rate, and improve customer loyalty and word-of-mouth communication.

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