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HUANYI constant temperature and humidity test chamber frame structure-refrigeration

Date: Dec 01,2020 Views: 443

temperature and humidity test chamber The refrigeration system is one of the key parts of the comprehensive test chamber. Generally speaking, the refrigeration methods of constant temperature and humidity test chambers are mechanical refrigeration and auxiliary liquid nitrogen refrigeration. Mechanical refrigeration adopts vapor compression refrigeration, which are mainly composed of compressor, condenser, throttling mechanism and evaporator. If the low temperature of our test reaches -60, single-stage refrigeration is difficult to meet the requirements. The refrigeration method of the  temperature and humidity test chamber generally adopts cascade refrigeration. The refrigeration system of the constant temperature and humidity box consists of two parts, called the high temperature part and the low temperature part, and each part is a relatively independent refrigeration system. temperature and humidity test chamber The evaporation of the refrigerant in the high temperature part absorbs heat from the refrigerant in the low temperature part and vaporizes; the evaporation of the refrigerant in the low temperature part absorbs heat from the object to be cooled (the air in the test chamber) to obtain cold energy. The high temperature part and the low temperature part are connected by an evaporative condenser, which is both the condenser of the high temperature part and the low temperature part.

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