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Humidification and air circulation of constant temperature and humidity test chamber

Date: Apr 02,2021 Views: 313

Humidification is the main part of constant temperature and humidity test chamber which is different from high and low temperature test chamber. The constant temperature and humidity test chamber adopts external isolation type, all stainless steel boiler type and shallow surface evaporation type humidifier. The dehumidification method adopts mechanical refrigeration dehumidification, which cools the air below the dew point temperature to condense and precipitate the water vapor which is greater than the saturated moisture content, thus reducing the humidity.

constant temperature and humidity test chamber Supply air circulation system: the air circulation system is composed of temperature resistant and low noise air conditioning motor and multi blade centrifugal fan. It provides the circulation of air in the testing machine.

The control system is the core of the comprehensive test box, which determines the temperature rising rate, accuracy and other important indicators of the test machine. Most of the controllers of the testing machine adopt PID control, and a few of them adopt the combination of PID and fuzzy control. Because the control system basically belongs to the category of software, and this part in the use process, generally no problem.

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