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Hydrocarbon Evaporative Emission Testing of Automotive Parts Evaporative Emission Chambers

Date: Mar 26,2024 Views: 100
Hydrocarbon Evaporative Emission Testing of Automotive Parts Evaporative Emission Chambers

According to the requirements of "GB 18352.6-2016 Light Vehicle Pollutant Emission Limits and Measurement Methods (China Phase Six)", it is necessary to test the evaporative pollutant emissions of non-metal parts. During the test, the hydrocarbon evaporative emissions of automobile parts need to be used cabin.
The sources of evaporative pollutants come from the fuel system, power system and vehicle materials. The evaporative pollutant emission test of non-metal parts mainly targets interior and exterior decoration, tires, body paint, glue, grease, etc. in vehicle materials. Next, let’s take a look at the test steps for pollutant evaporative emission chambers of auto parts.
Hydrocarbon evaporative emission measurement of automobile parts evaporative emission chamber:
Test equipment: HUANYI Instruments Automotive Parts Hydrocarbon Evaporation Emission Chamber (Volume 0.05m3~5.0m3)
Test basis: GB 18352.6-2016 Light-duty vehicle pollutant emission limits and measurement methods (China Phase Six)
National VI evaporative emission limit: 0.7g/test
Evaporative emission test process (as shown in the figure below):
1. Start
2. Pretreatment (23℃ 50%RH, pretreatment 24h)
3. Heat soak test (test temperature: 38℃, test time: 60min)
a. Background concentration <1ppm, record Pi, Ti, Ci, record Pf, Tf, Cf.
b. Hot soak test VOC sampling, flow rate 200ml/min, 10min.
4. Soak the car at normal temperature (ambient temperature: 20℃, no more than 2 hours)
5. Two days and nights ventilation test (starting temperature: 20℃, maximum temperature: 35℃, test time: 48h)
a. Record P0, T0, C0, record P24, T24, C24, record P48, T48, C48.
b. 24-hour and 48-hour VOC sampling, flow rate 200ml/min, 10min.
Finally, if you need more knowledge about hydrocarbon evaporative emission testing of automobile parts, you can visit the official website of "HUANYI Instruments" and consult relevant technical personnel.

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