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Industrial Use of Humidity Chambers

Date: Mar 18,2021 Views: 295

Industries use testing chambers to judge the effect of different weather conditions on the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of assemblies, parts, and components. These tests are critical in determining the viability of a product for mass production or producing them for other manufacturers and the public.

In the past, products were put on the market with the hope they would last. Until the development of testing chambers, much of the introduction of products was guess work. Humidity chambers provide critical data about products as well as materials for the design of new products.

There is a long list of industries that depend on humidity chambers to provide them with the necessary information regarding the stability and endurance of their products.

Industrial Use of Humidity Chambers

Automotive –

The main function of humidity chambers for the auto industry is to simulate weather conditions by pumping in hot moisture filled air into the chamber. The ability of cars to withstand the abuse they endure is a critical issue to producers. By ensuring a vehicle can tolerate all of the types of weather they will encounter is important for the life of the vehicle and the safety of its passengers.

Humidity chambers for the automotive industry come in several types with ones designed to test individual parts and assemblies with others that are large enough for an automobile to drive in.


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