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Internal maintenance of constant temperature and humidity testing machine:

Date: Mar 10,2021 Views: 345

1. Check and maintain the humidifier of the constant temperature and humidity testing machine. The water stored in the humidifier should be replaced once a month to ensure clean water quality. The humidification water tray should be cleaned once a month to ensure smooth water flow.


2. Removal of dust from the condenser of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber. The condenser should be maintained regularly and monthly. Use a vacuum cleaner to absorb the dust attached to the condenser's heat sink or use high-pressure air to spray dust.


3. Constant temperature and humidity box check the over-temperature protector When the constant-temperature and humidity machine is working, the setting of the over-temperature protection *high value plus 20~30. When the temperature in the experiment box rises to the set point of over-temperature protection, the heater will stop supplying power. The "OVERHEAT" over-temperature warning light is on but the fan is still working. If you are working for a long time and unattended, please check before working. Is the over-temperature protector set properly? [The setting of the wet-bulb over-temperature protector is 120.


4. Replacement of wet ball test cloth for constant temperature and humidity testing machine When the test cloth is not clean or hard, or after the temperature control is completed, the test cloth must be replaced before continuing the temperature and humidity sphericity control. The test cloth is replaced once every three months. When replacing, the temperature measuring body [Sen-sor] should be wiped with a clean cloth. When replacing a new test cloth, it should be cleaned first.

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