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Introduction of Air Circulation Device of High and Low Temperature Impact Test Chamber

Date: May 10,2021 Views: 417

Introduction of high and low temperature impact test chamber air circulation device High and low temperature impact test chamber is widely used in metal, plastic, rubber, electronics and other material industries. They have tolerated the test product in a continuous environment of extremely high temperature and extremely low temperature in an instant. , To test the chemical or physical damage suffered. The high and low temperature impact test box has built-in air-conditioning rooms, circulating air ducts and long-axis centrifugal fans. It uses high-efficiency refrigerators and energy regulation systems, and efficient exchanges are carried out through high-efficiency fans to achieve the purpose of temperature changes. By improving the air flow , Improve the air flow rate and the heat exchange capacity with the heater and the air surface cooler, thereby greatly improving the temperature uniformity of the test chamber.

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