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Key points: technical requirements for a standard one cubic meter VOC climate chamber

Date: Sep 18,2020 Views: 374
What are the technical requirements for a standard one cubic meter VOC climate chamber?
⒈ Effective volume: nominal value ± 5%
⒉Temperature: range 23℃~28℃, deviation ±1℃;
⒊Relative humidity: 50% deviation ±5%;
⒋The pressure in the box: slightly positive pressure 10Pa ± 5Pa; (one cubic meter of VOC climate box)
⒌Air exchange rate: 0.5 times/h~1.5 times/h, deviation ±5%;
⒍Background concentration: the total background concentration produced by the climate chamber and the exchange gas is monomer content ≤ 2pg/m3, TvOC content ≤ 20gg/m2;
⒎Recovery rate: the average recovery rate of toluene and n-dodecane is not less than 80%;
⒏ Leakage rate: under 1000Pa conditions, the leakage rate is less than 0.5%/min of the volume of the climate chamber or not more than 5% of the exchange gas volume
⒐Surface wind speed: the surface wind speed of the sample is 0.1m/s~0.3m/s
⒑ Air exchange coefficient: not less than 90%
The above are all the parameters that a cubic VOC climate box must meet!

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