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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > LABORATORIES FOR CHARACTERISATION-How Useful are CADR Ratings?


Date: Oct 15,2022 Views: 238

As evident, CADR ratings are evaluated and allotted to air cleaning devices only after they are put through a standard testing phase. The ANSI/AHAM AC-1 test being consistent in regard to the procedure and conducted in controlled & minutely monitored test chambers, it delivers enough credibility to the CADR ratings that they can be roughly used to judge the efficiency of an air purifier.


It is however to be noted that the CADR rating allotment procedure is 30 years old and hence newer manufacturers have found clever loopholes around the method to get their models highly rated. We, therefore, advise our readers to not make their buying decisions based on CADR ratings alone. These loopholes were found by makers of the famous IQAir HealthPro Plus Air Purifier.


Well discuss in the subsequent section how the CADR rating system has multiple limitations that make it a rather incomplete grading factor on its own.

Large room Air purifiers have a higher CADR rating than that of smaller air purifiers.

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