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Low air pressure test chamber test purpose and application

Date: Oct 19,2022 Views: 309

The purpose of the high and low temperature low air pressure test chamber: The purpose of this test is to determine whether the equipment can: withstand low air pressure environment, work normally in a low air pressure environment, and withstand rapid changes in air pressure under ambient conditions.

Application of high and low temperature low air pressure test chamber: This test is applicable to equipment stored/working at high altitude, equipment transported or working in aircraft pressurized or non-pressurized compartments, equipment exposed to rapid decompression or explosive decompression environment, to determine whether a failure of equipment exposed to this environment will damage its platform or cause injury to personnel, and equipment hanging outside of the aircraft. This test is not applicable to the flight altitude of more than 30,000m spacecraft, aircraft or on the installation or work of equipment.

High and low temperature low pressure test chamber physical and chemical effects, low pressure environment may lead to the following physical and chemical effects on equipment (products).



a, gasket sealed shell leakage of gas, leakage of liquid.

b, sealed container deformation, breakage or rupture.

c, low-density materials, physical and chemical fade performance changes.

d, equipment overheating due to reduced heat transfer.

e, lubricant steamed.

f, engine start and work instability.

g, vacuum seal failure.

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