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Matters needing attention when using salt spray tester

Date: Sep 30,2020 Views: 391

The salt spray tester is an environmental tester that uses artificially simulated salt spray environmental conditions created by the salt spray test equipment to assess the corrosion resistance of products or metal materials. In order to use the salt spray tester normally and safely, the engineers of Coside Instrument will tell you the matters needing attention when using the salt spray tester.


The salt spray test machine mainly uses sodium chloride and pure water to prepare salt solution. This salt solution is very harmful to the human body and materials during the experiment, especially when the salt spray is tested. When spraying, you need to be more cautious, avoid opening the lid if there is no specific need to ensure standard operation. Assuming that the next test is not carried out immediately, it should be to drain the water in the box immediately, wipe the box dry to prevent the occurrence of scale and other phenomena, mainly because the jaws of the equipment are often used, which leads to easy wear and oxidation. Many small pistons will damage the oil and leak, so after each test, open the jaws and regularly check the screws at the jaws. If you find looseness, you should tighten them in time; also regularly check the transmission of the sprocket. If looseness is found, The tension wheel should be re-tensioned. The salt spray test box should pay attention to whether the rear panel of the controller is in good contact, and if the device is not applicable for a long time, the controller should be turned off. The interface of the controller should be correct. If the wrong connection is All equipment needs regular inspection. Maintenance is also often needed. As long as you pay attention to these details during use, you will naturally avoid equipment failures and improve production efficiency during the accumulation of time.


Daily maintenance of salt spray test machine

1. After each test, clean water can be used to clean the cabinet of the tester (such as: salt solution chamber, preheated water tank, spray chamber, and sealed water tank) to keep the salt spray tester clean.

2. After the test is over, the solution in the measuring cup should be poured out and cleaned in time to avoid the salt solution crystallization from affecting the amount of salt spray deposition.

3. Pay attention to the following when cleaning the cabinet: (1) Protect the protective layer of the temperature sensor. (2) Protect the glass filter and glass nozzle (remember not to use a needle or any hard object to clear the nozzle or filter).

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