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Method for processing samples of VOC test chamber of automobile interior parts by bag method

Date: Dec 20,2021 Views: 307

Dongguan Huanyi Instrument Technology Co., Ltd.

Product name: VOC test chamber for car interior parts by bag method

Manufacturer: Dongguan Huanyi Instrument

A. Sample processing

1. Weigh and record the quality of the sample.

2. Open the gas sampling bag that has passed the blank test and put the sample to be tested.

3. Use a film sealing machine to seal the gas sampling bag.

4. Use a diaphragm vacuum pump to evacuate the gas in the gas sampling bag and observe its airtightness (a certain amount of nitrogen can be filled in to observe whether the sampling bag is significantly reduced to determine the airtightness of the sampling bag).

5. Use high-purity nitrogen to replace the gas sampling bag, fill it with high-purity nitrogen about 50% of its volume, and then extract the gas. Repeat the operation 3 times.

6. Then accurately add 50% of the high-purity nitrogen of the bag volume to the sampling bag, and record the amount of gas filled.

7. Take another blank sampling bag without placing samples, and perform steps 7.2.3 to 7.2.6.

8. Put the two sampling bags into the sampling chamber and heat them at 65°C for 2 h ± 10 min to ensure uniform heating.

B. sampling

1 Collecting tube

a) TENAX-TA trap tube: trap benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, styrene, TVOC;

b) DNPH trap tube: trap formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrylic aldehyde, etc.

2 Sampling device

Install the collection tube, piping and sampler, refer to the figure.

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