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Microbial Bacterial Aerosol Chamber in accordance with T/CAS 408-2020

Date: Feb 19,2022 Views: 274

The microbial bacteria aerosol chamber meets the test requirements in the T/CAS 408-2020 standard, in which T/CAS 408-2020 stipulates that air-type household appliances should be tested for virus removal in a confined space. Let's take a look at the microbial bacteria. Technical requirements for aerosol chambers.


1. The scope of application of the microbial bacteria aerosol chamber: air purifiers, fresh fans, air conditioners, humidifiers, ultraviolet germicidal lamps, range hoods (with purification function), oxygen generators (with purification function), fresh fans, electric masks, etc.


2. The test methods are divided into two categories:


One is the closed test chamber method (internal circulation), the appliance is placed in the chamber, and the concentration is monitored over time under closed conditions;


The second is the air duct method (external circulation), the appliance is installed on the air duct, a stable concentration is given upstream, and the purified concentration is collected downstream.


3. The volume of the test chamber is as follows:


4. The technical parameters of microbial bacteria aerosol chamber:


Regarding the temperature and humidity conditions in the test chamber, when using bacteriophage, the initial temperature should be set to 23±5, and the initial humidity should be (50±10)%RH. When using influenza virus, the initial temperature should be set to 20±5, and the initial humidity should be set to below 40%RH.

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