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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > Note that the high and low temperature test chamber sealing strip is very important!

Note that the high and low temperature test chamber sealing strip is very important!

Date: Nov 01,2021 Views: 342

    The sealing system of high and low temperature test chamber generally adopts silicon rubber sealing strip for double heat insulation and airtight tightness. Its function is mainly to seal the door of the test box, prevent outside air from intruding into the test box, prevent the gas in the test box from overflowing, and ensure the temperature uniformity of the test box.


    So, how to judge or check the tightness of the door seal of the high and low temperature test chamber? Methods as below:


1. Close the door of the box, use a thin piece of paper, and insert it vertically into any place of the seal of the door. The paper should not slide freely;


2. Turn on the lighting on the observation window of the test box, close the door, and check whether there is light leakage around the door seal.

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