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One of the reasons of compressor oil shortage in constant temperature and humidity test chamber

Date: Apr 02,2021 Views: 380

constant temperature and humidity test chamber is an important equipment for temperature and humidity detection of enterprise products. It can effectively test all kinds of conditions of products in the temperature and humidity environment. However, sometimes it is found that the compressor is short of oil during use, which affects the use. What causes the compressor in constant temperature and humidity test box to be short of oil?

constant temperature and humidity test chamber Poor oil return of compressor:

constant temperature and humidity test chamber A small part of the oil is mixed with the refrigerant gas and circulated in the system. In order to avoid oil accumulation in the system and ensure large refrigerant circulation velocity in the pipeline. It is generally considered that the circulation of oil-gas mixture in the system is allowed when the mass flow rate of refrigerant gas is less than 1%. For example, a 1.5HP compressor may have a circulation of 1kg oil per hour, which means that 1.2 times of the oil filling quantity circulates in the system. In order to obtain good mutual solubility of refrigerant and oil, compressor manufacturers select and certify certain refrigeration oil. However, in the mechanical design, it is necessary to provide a good return oil for the compressor with a small refrigerant gas flow rate, that is, the pipeline size, especially the suction pipeline size, must be carefully selected. That is to say, the pipeline diameter should be balanced between pressure drop and good oil return.

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