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Precautions for high and low temperature test chamber (1)

Date: Jul 08,2021 Views: 270

1. Preparation before using the high and low temperature test chamber


When doing the high and low temperature test chamber environmental test, you must be familiar with the sample performance, test conditions/test procedures and test techniques to be tested, familiar with the technical performance of the test equipment used, and have an understanding of the structure of the equipment. Especially be familiar with the operation and performance of the controller. Read the operation manual of the test equipment carefully to avoid the abnormal operation of the test equipment due to operating errors, which may cause damage to the test samples and incorrect test data.


2. Reasonably choose high and low temperature test chamber test equipment


In order to ensure the normal operation of the test, appropriate test equipment should be selected according to the different conditions of the test product, and a reasonable ratio should be maintained between the test sample and the effective volume of the test box. For the test of the heating test sample, its volume should not be greater than one-tenth of the effective volume of the test box. The volume of the non-heating test sample should not be more than one-fifth of the effective volume of the test box. For example, when a 21` color TV is undergoing temperature storage test, a one cubic volume test box can meet the requirements, but when it is powered on, it cannot meet the requirements. It should be replaced with a larger test box. This is because the TV set emits heat when it is working.


3. Place the test sample correctly


The location of the test samples of the Changfeng high and low temperature test chamber should be more than 10cm away from the wall of the box. For multiple samples, they should be placed on the same plane as much as possible. The sample should be placed without blocking the air outlet and return air outlet, and a certain distance should be reserved for the temperature and humidity sensor. To ensure that the test temperature is correct.


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