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Procedures for testing room for inward leakage rate of chemical protective clothing

Date: Mar 03,2020 Views: 652
1. Product Name: Test Room for Inward Leakage Rate of Chemical Protective Clothing

2, in line with standards: GB / T29511-2013 protective clothing solid particle chemical protective clothing

3. Manufacturer: Dongguan Huanyi Instrument Technology Co., Ltd.

4, operating procedures

4.1 Preparation before testing
Inspect each piece of protective clothing to be tested to ensure that the protection is intact. There is no danger of use when testing with this method.

4.2 The test subject should wear tight underwear (such as polyester / cotton trousers and T-shirts with long sleeves). After each piece of protective clothing tested has been tested, the underwear should be replaced.

4.3 The test object is worn according to the manufacturer's instructions. If necessary, the tester should show the test object how to properly wear the test clothing according to the instructions, and should inform the test object that it can be adjusted during the test. The protective clothing to be tested, but the test personnel should be notified in time after adjustment to ensure that there is sufficient time to return the system to a stable state and repeat the relevant tests.

4.4 The testing personnel shall determine whether each of the subjects wearing the protective clothing to be tested is fit or not, and after receiving a positive answer, they may proceed to the next test.

4.5 Fix the sampling probe: Fix it on the protective clothing under test, connect the air duct, and ensure that the sample is taken and inserted into the protective clothing and sealed. Wear the protective clothing to be tested and other protective equipment according to the manufacturer's instructions. If the manufacturer's instructions do not specify other protective equipment to be used, such as the test subject should be divided by appropriate respiratory protective equipment, such as respiratory protection. In addition to the equipment, it is better that the manufacturer's instructions do not require the protective clothing to be tested to be attached to any part of the body (such as the wrist or toe) or any additional equipment (such as protective gloves or protection) worn by the test object. Boots), you do not need to fix.

4.6 Chemical protective clothing inward leakage rate test room basic test environmental concentration
Let the test subject enter the test room. Before the aerosol generator works, measure and report the concentration of the air samples taken by all three sampling probes as the basis for testing the test environment concentration. If the basic test environment concentration is high, the cause should be investigated and corrected to ensure that the basic test environment concentration is at an appropriate level.

4.7 Environmental Concentration of Test Room for Inward Leakage Rate of Chemical Protective Clothing
Start the aerosol generator until the aerosol concentration of NaCl particles in the test room environment reaches a stable level. Ensure that the measured object remains stationary during this process. Measure and report the concentration of NaCl particles in the test chamber environment. If it takes more than 1 minute for the aerosol concentration of NaCl particles in the test room environment to stabilize, the inside of the protective clothing under test should be ventilated and penetrated by the particles into the protective clothing under test.

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