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Procedures of PM2.5 environmental cabin test for passenger vehicles

Date: Sep 29,2020 Views: 432

Name: PM2.5 environmental test cabin for passenger vehicles

Design standard  CQC9206-2014  Measurement and evaluation method of PM2.5 in the air of passenger vehicles

 PM2.5 environmental test cabin for passenger vehicles Scope of application

This technical requirement specifies the certification technical requirements and test methods for PM2.5 detection in the air of passenger vehicles.This technical requirement applies to PM2.50 in the air of passenger car

 Manufacturer: Dongguan Huanyi Instrument co., LTD

PM2.5 environmental test cabin for passenger vehicles Test technical conditions

3.1.1Environmental test room for PM2.5 of the vehicle

The environmental compartment should be large enough to accommodate the test vehicle in its integrity and the doors on both sides can be opened.The environment within a space not exceeding 0.5 m from the outside surface of the tested vehicle can still meet the test requirements.Ambient temperature 25℃ 5℃ humidity 50% soil 10% RH.

3.1.2 Test steps

A) Place the vehicle under test in the laboratory:

B) Surface coverings of internal components (such as plastic film used to protect seats, carpets, etc.) shall be removed,And move the cover outside the sampling environment compartment:

C) Fully open the Windows and doors (including the trunk cover) of the inspected vehicle, and keep the vehicle in rest for no less than 0.5h;

D) Install PM2.The detector probe is located at the midpoint of the connection between the seat headrest in the front cockpit and calls to the driver and passenger The suction belt height is consistent;Set the PM2.Data acquisition parameters of the detector;

E) Close the doors and Windows: Close the external circulation: close the air outlet louvers, etc., and the vehicle stands still for 1h;The mean 1h concentration of PM. in the smoke was 500 g/ m3~ 1000ug/ m3;

J) After 10-15 minutes of spray, the smoke will be dispersed around the vehicle at 0.5m. Start PM and detector outside the vehicle to collect PM2s in the ambient air and record PM2 for 1h;The mean value records the temperature, humidity and wind speed during the test;At the same time, smoke around the vehicle can be supplemented as required to ensure PM in the smoke at 0.5m around the vehicle during the whole test process.The average 1h concentration is 500ue/ m3~1000ug/ m3.

K) Open the PM2s detector in the car at the same time, collect PM2s in the car air for the second time, and record the PM2 for 1h.The mean value records the temperature, humidity and wind speed during the test.

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