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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > Reasons and treatment methods for the heaters of the constant temperature and humidity test box cannot be heated 1. The heater cannot be heated (the internal heating wire is burned or the connection box is disconnected). 2. The electric heating tube is

Reasons and treatment methods for the heaters of the constant temperature and humidity test box cannot be heated 1. The heater cannot be heated (the internal heating wire is burned or the connection box is disconnected). 2. The electric heating tube is

Date: Mar 10,2021 Views: 317

1. The heater cannot be heated (the internal heating wire is burned or the connection box is disconnected).


2. The electric heating tube is broken or broken, cracked, broken by corrosion, etc.


3. Leakage, usually the fault in this case accounts for more than 90% of the electric heater failure, mainly because the automatic circuit breaker or the leakage protection switch has tripped, and the electric heating tube cannot be heated.

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