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Reasons for leakage of the constant temperature and humidity chamber and repair methods

Date: Dec 29,2021 Views: 315

The refrigeration system of the constant temperature and humidity chamber is normal, and the cabinet is leaking. The reasons for this failure may be the following four aspects:

Inductive leakage

The constant temperature and humidity chamber refrigerates normally, and the human hand feels numb when touching the cabinet. The cause of this phenomenon is induction leakage.

The compressor and internal lighting circuit of the constant temperature and humidity chamber pass through the chamber and the inner wall, and there is a certain distributed capacitance in itself; the compressor motor is an induction motor, and self-induced electric potential is generated on the rotor. At this time, the constant temperature and humidity chamber is not reliable With the grounding wire, people will feel numb when touching the chamber.

 Compressor leakage

The compressor motor winding and the casing are short-circuited to cause leakage of the cabinet. The compressor is leaking, and the cabinet voltage is high, which is close to the power supply voltage.

 Leakage of thermostat

Most thermostats of the constant temperature and humidity chambers are installed on the inner wall, and temperature changes in the chamber will cause condensation around the thermostat. When the condensed water flows into the thermostat, the resistance value between the thermostat contact and the chamber body decreases, causing electric leakage.

 Leakage caused by damaged components or aging or broken wires


Maintenance method:

1. Check whether the user's power connector is properly grounded, and whether the grounding wire is short-circuited;

2. After powering on, check whether the refrigeration of the constant temperature and humidity chamber is normal, and whether there is an obvious numbness when touching the cabinet;

3. First check the insulation of the compressor, use a megger to check whether the resistance to ground is 20MΩ;

4. Check the insulation of suspicious components, thermostats, lamps and external circuits;

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