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Selection of high and low temperature test instrument installation site

Date: Jan 30,2023 Views: 215

In order to facilitate the heat dissipation and maintenance of shell heat pipes, the site where the high and low temperature testing equipment is installed must meet the following standards:


1, and the adjacent wall or bronze between the distance 400mm


2. In order to give full play to the role and characteristics of the environmental test chamber smoothly, the long-term temperature should be selected as 15~45, and the relative ambient humidity is more than 86% of the site.


3. The working temperature of the installation site should not be significantly changed.


4. It should be installed on the level surface (when installing, use the level to determine the level on the road).


5, should be installed in the site without irradiation of the sun.


6. It should be installed in a place with good natural ventilation.


7, should be installed in the prevention of flammable materials, explosive and high temperature heating source area.


8. It should be installed in a field with less dust.


9, as far as possible to install in close to the power supply system switching power field.


Natural environment for application of high and low temperature testing instruments:


1. Working temperature: 5~ +29(average temperature within 28 hours 29);


2, air relative humidity: less than or equal to 86%;


3, switching power supply requirements: AC380(±12%)V/60HZ three-phase four-wire system;


4, the actual operation of the natural environment must be in the indoor temperature of 29 degrees below and good natural ventilation;


5, high and low temperature test instruments placed around 90 cm can not be placed items.


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