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Simulated plateau low pressure test chamber for electronic product testing

Date: Mar 22,2023 Views: 224

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The low pressure test of electronic products meets the standard of "GB/T 2423.21-2008 Environmental test of electrical and electronic products Part 2: Test method test M: low pressure". The purpose of low pressure test of electronic products is to determine the adaptability of components, equipment or other products in storage, transportation or use under low pressure conditions.


Test equipment: simulated plateau low pressure test chamber


Device model: Huanyi Instrument HYLA-1000


The standard is GB/T 2423.21-2008


Test procedure:


1. The temperature in the test chamber (room) shall conform to the temperature range of the specified test standard atmospheric conditions. If the test is not required in running condition, the sample shall be placed in its normal position (unless otherwise specified) in the test chamber (chamber) in an unpackaged, unenergized, "ready for use" state.


2. Reduce the air pressure in the test chamber (chamber) to a value consistent with the specified severity level. If necessary, the relevant specifications may specify a rate of change of air pressure not exceeding 10 kPa/min.


3. If the test is required to be carried out in running condition, the sample shall be energized or electrically loaded and checked to see if the test sample can meet the function specified in the relevant specifications. The test sample can be kept in operation for the specified duration or disconnected from the power supply in accordance with the requirements of the relevant specifications. Intermediate testing should be performed if required by relevant specifications. For heat dissipation test samples, the specification may require that the test sample be energized for a sufficient period of time to achieve thermal stability and for functional testing and/or testing before or after the reduction of air pressure.


4. The air pressure should be maintained for the specified duration.


5. When restoring air pressure to normal pressure, the rate of change of air pressure shall not exceed 10 kPa/min if required by relevant specifications.


If you have any questions about using the simulated plateau low pressure test chamber, please send a private message to Xiaobian or visit the official website of Huanyi Instrument to consult related technicians.

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