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Structural analysis and maintenance of high and low temperature damp heat test chamber(1)

Date: Mar 26,2021 Views: 370

1. high and low temperature damp heat test chamber Before doing the test, be sure to check that the water level of the water tank cannot be too high or too low. The high and low temperature test box makes the water overflow the water tank or is too low to make the wet ball test cloth absorb abnormally, which affects the accuracy of the wet ball. The water level can be kept about six minutes full. The water level of the water tank can be adjusted to adjust the height of the water tank. You need to check and add water almost every two or three tests. You can look at the front water pipe to replenish water. When there is no water, the machine will alarm and stop working.

2. high and low temperature damp heat test chamber If the machine is running below 0, try to avoid opening the door, because opening the door at low temperatures will easily cause the internal evaporator and other parts of the ice to be sealed, especially the lower the temperature, the more serious the situation. If it must be opened, the opening time should be shortened as much as possible.

3. When the low-temperature operation is completed high and low temperature damp heat test chamber , be sure to set the temperature condition to 60°C for drying for about half an hour, so as not to affect the measurement time of the next operating condition or freeze.

4. The radiator (condenser) of the freezer should be regularly maintained and kept clean.

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