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Structural characteristics of high-altitude low-pressure simulation test chamber

Date: Oct 21,2022 Views: 279

1. high-altitude low-pressure simulation test chamber The box body is made of cold-rolled steel plate with electrostatic powder coating on the surface, the coating is hard and firm, with * rust-proof ability.

2. The high-altitude low-pressure simulation test chamber studio is stainless steel plate, rounded shape, smooth, smooth, extremely easy to clean.

3. Between the box and the studio, filled with superfine glass wool insulation material, with good insulation function, effectively ensure the stability and accuracy of the temperature.

4. The door of the box is a double-layer tempered glass structure, which can clearly observe the items inside the box, and has good heat insulation effect, effectively avoiding burns to the operator.

5. Rubber sealing ring is installed between the studio and glass door to ensure the high vacuum level inside the box.

6. Vacuum gauge is digital display type, manual start, stop and decompression.

7. The temperature control is manufactured by microcomputer intelligent digital technology, with industrial PID, self-tuning and four double LED indication functions, high precision temperature control, strong resistance, and also easy to operate.

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