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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > Take you to understand the four humidification methods of constant temperature and humidity test chamber

Take you to understand the four humidification methods of constant temperature and humidity test chamber

Date: Jan 11,2022 Views: 260

1. The shallow water area is humidified. The chamber has a shallow water area and an electric heating tube. According to the heating water, the evaporated water is humidified. The characteristic is that the humidification speed is slow, but the environmental humidity does not change much after stabilization.


2. Ultrasonic humidification is common and low cost. Punch holes on the side of the casing, atomize the water with an ultrasonic air humidifier, and introduce the mist into the casing according to the water pipe. The characteristic is that the humidification speed is fast, but the equipment frequently starts dehumidification, and the amount of water used will be relatively large.


3. The steam pot is humidified, the water is heated until it is fired into steam, and then enters the chamber to humidify. The characteristic is that the environmental humidity changes quickly, but the structure is very complex, and the equipment failure rate is slightly higher.


4. Sprinkling water and humidifying, the personal working chamber of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber is self-spraying water, the total area of the chamber wall immersed in water is expanded, when the water diffuses inside and outside the chamber, the standard air pressure of the chamber water is increased, and the air humidity is increased. The characteristic is that after the system software is stabilized, the environmental humidity fluctuates little, but when water is sprinkled, the water is likely to contaminate the environmental samples.

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