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Technical parameters of purifier performance test chamber in English version

Date: Feb 23,2019 Views: 802

 The environmental chamber is mede of the innerchamber , 
 outer chambef , air purification system , pollution source 
 device and air sampling system . Among them , the inner chamber
 with the volume or 30m3 is the key part of the test chamber . 

The experimental result shows that the deviation of temperature 

and relative humidity ( RH ) are 8T   ≤2.5 ℃and 8RH ≤5 % respectively .The body leakage 0.05~2.0m3/h  under pressure difference of 0~5 Pa between the inside and the outside of the chamber . 

After cleaning , with the single pollutant backgrouna concention 

lesst than 30ug/m3 , Tvoc is less than 100 ug/m3 ,The recovey rate of the chamber system are 86.6 % , 83.4 % , 82.9% and 81.5 % 

under four kinds of  amount of 37% formaldehyde , benzene , toluene and ammonia 

in this chamber arc 6.7 % , 8.9 % , 7.5 % and 4.7 % .

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