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The constant temperature and humidity test chamber can also be programmable

Date: Dec 07,2020 Views: 487

The constant temperature and humidity test chamber can also be programmable. When a programmable constant temperature and humidity test chamber is used, some users who are in contact with the equipment for the first time will be confused. What is the meaning and thoroughness of temperature and humidity programming, which will facilitate testing? Today we will explain through the actual operation of the programmable constant temperature and humidity test box.

Programmable constant temperature and humidity test chamber

For example, the customer is testing PCBA products. The test conditions were 7 hours at 50°C, 6 hours at -30°C, 8°C at 8°C, and 2 hours at 85% humidity.

In order to meet the above-mentioned test requirements and to test continuously, the temperature and humidity program can be programmed on the controller of the programmable constant temperature and humidity test room before the start of the test run. The wet test chamber will be accurately tested according to the test procedure.

Many programmable constant temperature and humidity test chambers have realized the function of network operation. Various temperature and humidity programming can be programmed on a mobile phone or computer, so that space and time constraints can be released more easily.

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