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The difference between high and low temperature impact test chamber and ordinary cycle test chamber

Date: Feb 23,2022 Views: 242

The high and low temperature impact test chamber can mainly do two kinds of tests, namely impact test and cycle test. These two test methods are very different. The following editor will give you a detailed introduction: 


The high and low temperature impact test chamber is a test equipment in the metal, plastic, rubber, electronic and other material industries. The chemical change or physical damage caused by thermal expansion and contraction of the sample is detected in the shortest time.


The cycle test of the high and low temperature impact test chamber refers to the constant temperature drop from normal temperature to low temperature, then heating and constant temperature, and this cycle is analogous to the test. This type of test is mostly used for testing electronic and electrical products or communication tools to test whether the products can be exposed to high temperatures such as: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, etc. Low temperature is mainly used in Russia, cold poles and other regions, to test whether the product is suitable for various environments, so as to judge the sales market of the newly developed product.


The difference between the high and low temperature impact test chamber impact test and the cycle test is mainly due to the different stress loading mechanism. The impact test mainly examines the failure due to creep and fatigue damage, while the temperature cycle mainly examines the failure due to shear fatigue. The cycle test can be tested with an ordinary high and low temperature test chamber. The principle that causes the impact of the temperature shock test chamber: severe temperature changes in the manufacturing and repair processes such as reflow, drying, reprocessing, repair, etc. Because the impact test has high requirements on the performance of the product, it is generally suitable for product development in military units or companies.

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