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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > The door of the high and low temperature test chamber is too hard to open

The door of the high and low temperature test chamber is too hard to open

Date: Aug 26,2021 Views: 301

Too much effort to open the door usually occurs in summer or rainy season. This is because there are irregular small holes on the contact surface between the door and the door cover. Moist air enters the small holes and forms condensation. When the door is closed, the condensed water drains the air from the hole, creating a negative pressure. In addition, the magnetism of the door seal and contamination of the relay can cause mixing. Attractive, so it feels hard to open the door. The elimination method is to clean the door seal regularly with soapy water to maintain good elasticity and smoothness, eliminate condensation, and apply a small amount of talcum powder to eliminate it.

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