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The necessity of purchasing an airbag point detonation laboratory

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A lot of car LABS are equipped with the airbag ignition test room, which is customized by huanyi Instruments and provided with technical support. Point detonation chamber can simulate different environments for point detonation test. However, in the process of automobile research and development, some automakers are considering whether to equip the laboratory with an automotive airbag point detonation test room. So, is it necessary to buy?


For whether the need to buy the airbag point detonation test room this question, the answer is yes, the car enterprise in the process of testing, must buy. The reasons are as follows:


1. Standard test requirements. For example, ISO 12097-2, GB/T 19949.2 and other standards require automobile airbags to pass safety tests.


2. Market demand. When developing foreign markets, many auto companies need to meet foreign requirements, such as European Union (AKLV01), American General Motors (GMW) and so on.


3. Enterprise development needs. Automobile enterprises want to develop, the quality must pass, the airbag is related to the life safety of passengers, if the car does not pass the point explosion test, it can not protect the life safety of passengers.


huanyi Instrument airbag point detonation test room is designed in conjunction with the airbag detonating system to automatically complete the process of low temperature, opening door and detonating, which provides great convenience for users to improve the test accuracy and save the test time. The point burst laboratory is equipped with complete test instruments, including high-speed cameras, lighting systems, P-T gas generators, test software, etc.


To learn about the detailed introduction and technical solution of the product, visit the official website of huanyi Instrument and ask related staff.

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