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The practice of prone to wrong action during high and low temperature test chamber testing

Date: Dec 02,2020 Views: 454

High and low temperature test chamber  is used to test the high temperature resistance of the product. The low temperature can be -20, -40, -60, 7-0or lower, and the high and low temperature can be 150. Due to the wide temperature range of the test chamber, users of the equipment under test have a lot of attention:


High and low temperature test chamber


When the high temperature test: The door of the box cannot be opened during the high temperature test. Because the temperature inside the box is very high, suddenly opening the door of the High and low temperature test chamber and rushing out of the door may cause burns to employees, and the high temperature air may cause a fire alarm.


During low-temperature test: The door of the box cannot be opened during the low-temperature test, because the temperature inside the High and low temperature test chamber is very low and the door is suddenly opened, and the low temperature rushes out of the box, which may cause low-temperature frostbite to employees and affect the life of the compressor. The evaporator freezes.


Do not open the door of the high and low temperature test chamber during use, otherwise it will cause more adverse consequences. Please use the equipment personnel to fully understand the instructions before use, and operate strictly in accordance with the requirements.

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