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You are here: Home > Company News > The sixth working group meeting of IEC 63086 "Air Purifier Performance Test Method" was held

The sixth working group meeting of IEC 63086 "Air Purifier Performance Test Method" was held

Date: Jul 18,2020 Views: 668

1) On the afternoon of the 24th, we mainly discussed the feedback on the CDV version of IEC 63086 part1 general rules (soliciting comments stage), and revised the text based on the comments. This opinion mainly focuses on editorial opinions and does not involve core technical opinions. After the comments are revised, part1 will enter the FDIS (Approval Phase).

2) On the 25th, the related work of the sub-working groups SWG1 (particulate matter) and SWG11 (noise) was discussed. Particulate matter mainly discusses the progress of the international cycle comparison test and the draft of part2-1. The comparison test is mainly to evaluate the CADR of cigarettes and alternative aerosols (KCL, DEHS, etc.). From the results, the difference is not big. Considering the uncertainty of cigarettes, the working group tends to propose new Particulate pollutants.

3) The noise part is related to the work of IEC/TC59/WG2, and the two parties will cooperate in the follow-up. SWG11 is mainly responsible for the technical content and WG2 is responsible for the process. The main difficulty of the noise department is the testing of new products such as robot purifiers.

4) No. 26 focused on the work progress of SWG10 (lifetime), SWG12 (ozone) and SWG6 (fresh fan). For life test, Japanese and South Korean experts proposed to replace the filter life test method, which can reduce time-consuming. However, most of the experts at the meeting held objections because the report was not well covered and could not include electrostatic purifiers. The current life span is still China, Japan, South Korea, and the United States. The three methods are compared at the stage, and no final conclusion can be drawn.

5) On the 27th, SWG4 (automatic mode) and SWG5 (energy efficiency) were discussed. Automatic mode (referred to as smart mode in China), experts in China and the United Kingdom have mainly promoted the 81 cubic cabin 9-point test (see T/CAQI 85-2019 "Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Air Purifier Smart Mode"), but it has not yet been obtained The working group fully recognized that other countries have also discussed the CADR measurement method, but there are still corresponding problems.

The energy efficiency part is relatively simple. This discussion mainly focused on the confirmation of the standby mode. At present, the purifier with various sensors, WiFi, etc. will directly affect the standby power. The standard should specify a unified standby power test principle.

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