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The vehicle V0C sampling cabin meets the standards and system structure

Date: Feb 19,2024 Views: 125
The vehicle V0C sampling cabin meets the standards and system structure
Product name: Vehicle V0C sampling cabin
Manufacturer:Dongguan Huanyi Instruments Technology Co.,Ltd

Fulfill the standard:
GB/T 27630-2011 "Guidelines for Evaluation of Passenger Interior Air Quality"
HU/7400 200 (Method for sampling of volatile organic compounds and aldehydes and ketones in vehicles);
JAMA Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association vehicle interior Voc detection method);
10122192 1-2012 "Internal air of road vehicles - Part 1: Complete vehicle testing - Specifications and methods for determination of volatile organic compounds inside the cabin"
wW PV3938 (the overall emission of the car and the gas in the interior space of the car);
T/0IIF13- 2016 Specification for Odor Evaluation of Car Interior Air":
GB/T 27630-201 "Guidelines for Evaluation of Air Quality in Passenger Cars"
The structure of the vehicle V0C sampling cabin should include the following components:
1. Sheep fetal body.
2) Manufacturing system,
3) voc processing system,
4) Humidification and heating system,
5) Air circulation system:
6) Automobile exhaust emission system:
7) Sunlight simulation irradiation system;
8) Infrared heating system:
9) Measurement control system:
10) Power operating system;
11) PLC control system:

12) Security and alarm system.

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