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Three major adjustments to be carried out before the constant temperature and humidity test box leaves the factory

Date: Oct 26,2021 Views: 368

1. constant temperature and humidity test box Calibration under load conditions: The advantage of this method is that it can accurately assess the impact of the sample on the performance of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber, and it is easy to obtain detailed information about the key components of the sample or the environmental test of the parts. But its main disadvantage is that it needs to be re-calibrated when changing the sample.


2. Calibration under no load conditions. constant temperature and humidity test box The advantage of this method is that the entire working area of the programmable constant temperature and humidity test box is calibrated, which can effectively evaluate the applicability of the test box. But its main disadvantage is that it is impossible to evaluate the influence of the sample on the test chamber.


3. Real-time measurement during use. The advantage of this method is that it not only has the same advantages as the above method. Moreover, the comprehensive environmental parameters of the test sample in the environmental process can be obtained, which is often used for product testing with high environmental requirements. The main disadvantage is that every environmental test requires the use of measuring equipment, constant temperature and humidity test box  and the calibration method under no-load conditions is usually used when calibrating the test chamber.

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